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Take Root: A Reproductive Justice Panel

Date: Oct 8, 2019 (Tuesday)

Light Lunch Reception: 11:15am-12:15pm, Multipurpose Room, WTY Library
Panel: 12:30-1:45pm, UKAA Auditorium, WTY Library
Evening Reception: 5-7pm, Lyric Theater 
As part of the Year of Equity programming, this panel brings together organizers, activists, and healthcare providers from national organizations red states to discuss challenges, approaches, and perspectives in advancing reproductive justice. Centering on the experiences and leadership of women, trans, and non-binary people of color, this panel will present latest community research, initiatives, and advocacy on reproductive justice.
Panelists, in alphabetical order, include: 
In addition to the Year of Equity, this event is co-sponsored by the departments of Anthropology, Gender and Women Studies, Sociology, and Writing, Rhetoric, and Digital Studies; the Office of LGBTQ* Resources, the Center for Health Equity Transformation, the Center for Equality and Social Justice, Building Interdisciplinary Research Careers in Women's Health, the National Advocates for Pregnant Women, and Kentucky Health Justice Network. 


William T. Young Library Auditorium

Transnational Lives with Nina Glick-Schiller

Connecting with people from around the world is much easier now than it has ever been before. With the internet, phones, and fast travel, we can build relationships and networks in new ways - breaking through the barriers of national boundaries. This development of relationships and their influence despite national borders is known as transnationalism, a social phenomenon that we will be focusing on throughout a four part series.

Race and the Chilean Miracle: Neoliberalism, Democracy and Indigenous Rights in Chile


In this talk, Dr. Richards will examine the conflicts as well as the multicultural policies that have developed in response to indigenous claims in Chile. She will argue that racism is paradoxically reinscribed by policies that on their face seem to be about diversity and acceptance of difference. Richards will bring attention to how the process of generating consent for the state’s construction of indigenous subjects in the context of neoliberalism is not only imposed from above, but also informed by competing worldviews at the local level. 

Sponsored by: Sociology Department and co-sponsored by the International Studies and Latin American Studies Programs.

1545 Patterson Office Tower

Shoulder to Shoulder Global: an interview with Craig Borie and Vanessa Martinez

For ten years, Shoulder to Shoulder Global has been serving impoverished communities in and near Santo Domingo, Ecuador. In 2002, Shoulder to Shoulder Global went on its first trip to help people in need of medical care. Groups of students, healthcare professionals, faculty and volunteers have been visiting multiple times a year ever since. Though the group’s goal is to provide healthcare, any interested student or community member can participate. 

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