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Hispanic Studies

The Department of Hispanic Studies offers a variety of courses at the undergraduate and graduate level spanning a wide variety of academic disciplines ranging from linguistics and literature to cultural studies and translation to language learning and teaching. We not only help others acquire beginner, intermediate, and advanced proficiency in the language but also facilitate a deeper understanding of the language, the people who speak it, and the cultural artefacts they produce. Our instructional staff and faculty frequently receive outstanding teaching awards at the college and university level and our faculty publish their research in prominent venues nationally and internationally. We offer a wide variety of academic programs: an undergraduate minor and Bachelor’s of Arts in Spanish, and an MA and PhD in Hispanic Studies.Our graduates have pursued careers in various industries and at various academic institutions.

How to contact the Department of Hispanic Studies

Department of Hispanic Studies
University of Kentucky
1153 Patterson Office Tower
Lexington, KY 40506-0027
Phone: (859) 257-1565
Fax: (859) 323-9077

Department Chair Interim

Dr. Yanira Paz (

Director of Graduate Studies

Alan Brown (

Director of Undergraduate Studies

Heather Campbell-Speltz (

Director of Elementary Language Instruction

Ruth Brown (

Coordinator for Elementary Language Instruction

Juan Fernández-Cantero (

Department Social Media:  Facebook  -  Twitter

Internal Department Calendar (Requires linkblue authentication)