In part two of a four part series, this Transnational Lives podcast focuses upon social theory, language, and society and the roles they play in diversity. In this podcast, Sheryl Means, a graduate student within the College of Education, Anna Stone, a graduate student in English, and Jonathan Tinnin, a graduate student in English, speak with Otto Santa Ana about his work within sociolinguistics, his…
Connecting with people from around the world is much easier now than it has ever been before. With the internet, phones, and fast travel, we can build relationships and networks in new ways - breaking through the barriers of national boundaries. This development of relationships and their influence despite national borders is known as transnationalism, a social phenomenon that we will be focusing on throughout a four part series. Join the conversation as we kick off the series with Lauren Copeland, a graduate student from the Department of Gender &…
Our latest Office Hours episode brings you a new host along with a hot topic -- Cuba! In this episode, Sarah Shuetze interviews Peter Berres, former Assistant Dean in the College of Health Sciences and professor of Political Science, and Stan Brunn, Emeritus Professor in the Department of Geography. Berres and Brunn have a lot to talk about -…
The Department of Hispanic Studies is excited to welcome Associate Professor Monica Diaz to its faculty!
This podcast is part of a series highlighting the new faculty members who joined the College of Arts and Sciences in the fall 2014 semester.
This podcast was produced by Casey Hibbard.
Studying abroad is considered an unforgettable experience for many of the University of Kentucky’s students. A typical study abroad program transports a group of students to a foreign country. These opportunities offer new perspectives, connections, and fond memories. The Zolondek Scholarship sets itself apart by offering students the opportunity to travel abroad on their own.
During the summer of 2013, Bailey Ubellacker, a double major of Spanish and …
In recent years, the "Passport to the World" program has taken UK to South Africa, China, and Russia, and will celebrate its fourth year by focusing on Mexico. Professors Francie Chassen-Lopez (History) and…