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HS Academics / Hispanic Studies Graduate Program / Annual Graduate Student Evaluation

Annual Graduate Student Evaluation

All graduate students–including those who have finished coursework (ABDs)--must be formally evaluated annually to ensure consistent satisfactory performance. Criteria for satisfactory performance for ABDs enrolled in 767 in described on a separate form that directors will share with each student individually. For Masters and pre-qualifying students, satisfactory performance is primarily determined by the results of each annual evaluation and the advisor’s summative evaluation resulting in “exceeds expectations” or “meets expectations”. These annual evaluations must be documented using the fillable PDF form provided below. These evaluations are convened by the student with either the DGS–for those without an advisor–or the dissertation advisor–and must be completed in real-time via Zoom or in-person. Annual student evaluations entail a real-time conversation between advisor and the student regarding the items found on the annual student evaluation form and cannot be conducted via email or any other asynchronous method. In most cases, annual student evaluations are conducted during Spring semester before registration for Fall classes so that student and advisor can discuss Fall coursework. The student completes all fields of the annual evaluation form except for the fields entitled “Advisor Evaluative Comments”. Following the meeting, the form is signed by both student and advisor who each retain a copy and an additional copy is sent to the DGS.