FAll 2014
On leave until January 2015, Santí has been busy during this, the centennial of Octavio Paz´s birth. In November 2013 he gave the keynote address at a Paz conference at El Colegio de Puebla, in Puebla, Mexico. During this year he has given or will give additional lectures on his work in Cuernavaca, Morelos; Chihuahua; Rio de Janeiro and New Delhi. Santí has three books in press: Conversaciones con Octavio Paz (Editorial Confluencias), Cuarenta años de escribir poesía: Octavio Paz en El Colegio Nacional (Ediciones del Equilibrista) and the second, revised edition of his classic El acto de las palabras: Estudios y diálogos con Octavio Paz (Fondo de Cultura Económica). Libertad bajo palabra (1935-1957), in its second revised edition, has just appeared in Madrid’s Ediciones Cátedra, as well as the revised edition of Paz´s El laberinto de la soledad. Two essays, “Siete tesis para recordar a Octavio Paz,” in the latest issue of UNI (El Colegio de Puebla), and “Octavio Paz, o la modernidad” in Crítica (Benemérita Universidad de Puebla) have also been published. Finally, co-edited with Nivia Montenegro was Libro de Arenas, Prosa dispersa 1965-1991 (Mexico City, Ediciones del Equilibrista), an edited volume of Reinaldo Arenas’ uncollected prose.
Santí´s Cuban versions of poems by Wallace Stevens and Hart Crane have appeared twice in recent months in Diariodecuba.com, a digital magazine.
FALL 2012 and Spring 2013
Santí curated the first poetry digital app (for IPad and IPhone) on Octavio Paz's Blanco for Mexico's Fondo de Cultura Económica. The app can be obtained through
His book Mano a mano: Ensayos de circunstancia (Valencia: Aduana Vieja) was published in January 2013. It includes essays on literature, music, painting and popular culture. The book is available through
During Fall 2012 Santí taught a graduate course on "Modern Latin American Novel" and currently, Spring 2013, is directing his popular "Ghost Studies" seminar on spectral theory and culture.
FALL 2011:Santí returned this Fall from a year-long sabbatical during which he did research, in California, New York, New Orleans, Paris and Mexico City on his major project on Octavio Paz’s intellectual biography. In October 2010, he gave the closing keynote address at the Lezama Lima Centennial Conference at the Benémerita Universidad de Puebla, in Puebla, México. In May he gave a series of invited lectures in Santiago de Chile at Chile´s Pontificia Universidad Católica and at Universidad Finisterre, where he was sponsored by the Cátedra Roberto Ampuero. After Chile, Santí traveled to Buenos Aires where he was interviewed for an upcoming video documentary on the 1960´s Boom of the Latin American novel. A transcript of portions of that interview appeared in June in La Gaceta Literaria, Tucumán [http://www.lagaceta.com.ar/nota/441233/LA_GACETA_Literaria/Quienes-son-felices-normalmente-no-producen-grandes-obras.html . This Fall Santí is teaching, besides his popular undergraduate Latin American Literature survey course, a new graduate course on the 20thand 21stcenturies Spanish American Essay. Upcoming lectures and appearances include, in November, an invited lecture at Guadalajara´s Feria Internacional del Libro; a keynote address at the Transcolonial Caribbean Conferenceat the University of Potsdam, Germany, in December; and an invited paper for a special session on literary biography on biography and narrative at the MLA annual convention in Seattle in January 2012. “Aurelio de la Vega encuentra su compás”, a long poem celebrating the 85th birthday of the Cuban classical composer, appeared this past year in the Mexican journal Crítica. This Fall revised versions of his Cátedra editions of Neruda´s Canto general and Paz´s Libertad bajo palabra have appeared in Madrid. Among Santí´s many ongoing projects is his work as curator for a digital project on Octavio Paz´s poem Blanco for Mexico´s Fondo de Cultura Económica.