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Academics / Hispanic Studies Undergraduate Program / Spanish Language Placement

Spanish Language Placement

Which Spanish course should I take?

Students are most often placed in a Spanish course based on their previous coursework in a high school setting, but other factors can be considered in certain circumstances. The chart below should help you get started, but we recognize that every situation is unique. Contact your academic advisor or ( in the Hispanic Studies department for help with placement and enrollment in Spanish classes.

Spanish placement guidelines

AP and IB students

See the AP/IB Credit Transfer page for detailed information about the credits you will transfer in and what Spanish class to start with at UK based on your scores on these exams.

Seal of Biliteracy

Students arriving to UK with the Seal of Biliteracy in Spanish can place directly into a 4th semester course (either 203 or 205). If you earned the Seal through AP or IB, or are a bilingual/heritage speaking student, you might be able to place even higher. Check with the department of Hispanic Studies for more information.

Bilingual and heritage speaking students

If you are bilingual or a heritage speaker of Spanish (you grew up speaking Spanish without having studied it formally in a school setting) please contact Dr. Ruth Brown ( for enrollment information.